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I’m back! (I think)


Hello hello,

Again, sorry for being so inactive and MIA. School picked up really quickly and I think I finally readjusted to my schedule for this semester.

Starting from where my last post left off, I hope everyone had an excellent New Years. I spent my new year at a concert and will be upload a video for you guys later from the event!

For the New Year, my only resolution is to maintain my gym committment. That means three times a week! Which so far, is still very doable. what are your new year resolutions? Share it with me below.

There is a few updates that I would like to fill you guys in about my program. Going into the forth semester, one of the most exciting things that I have to do is the project course. Some of you may remember that I mentioned the iSelect in one of my previous posts. My partner and I were supposed to work on the project with another group, but when the semester started, we were offered to do a separate project. This project revolves around creating a device that could assist someone who is physically impaired or physically disabled to be able to use tablets and smart phones. For example, someone who is a quadraplegic will be able to use and operate the iPad and most of it’s apps with our device. I will also post our conceptual design and ideas in a future post.

Lastly, one of the biggest news that occurred is in regards with the practicum. We were given a list literally yesterday, and we are to provide our top three choices.  The list consists of three types of sites. This included clinical (hospitals), research (private companies) and imaging (digital imaging and radiology). Because I have worked in the hospital sector before (last summer) I am currently leaning towards research; however, the specific company that I want yet is still unclear. Maybe you guys can give me your opinion!


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